Hello Beautiful!

Welcome!  I hope you feel at home here at Split Silk Boutique!  I am so grateful you chose to stop by, and I hope you can stay awhile!

  • Oh girl, you have come to the right place.

  • Make yourself at home!
  • You are beautiful!

  • You are a gift from God!

Oh girl, you have come to the right place.

Make yourself at home!

You are beautiful!

You are a gift from God!

Let's Stay in Touch

I want to thank you for being a Split Silk Boutique customer and fan! Your support means the world to me and my family! Please follow me on Facebook at Split Silk Boutique and on Instagram @splitsilkboutique. I appreciate when you add your friends or share my page on your newsfeed.

Do you know what makes my day?

Yep, you guessed it! Getting pictures of you or your family in Split Silk Boutique Clothes.  
Use code SSBLOVE for every time you send me a photo representing Split Silk and get 15% off one item from your next purchase!